CONN fcMRI tutorials
publicly available tutorials for self-guided learning of fcMRI analyses in CONN
CONN's chapter in Andy's Brain Book
Tutorials in Andrew Jahn's YouTube channel
Tutorials in CONN's YouTube channel
CONN video tutorials
please visit the conn-toolbox youtube channel if the videos below are not displayed correctly in your browser, and subscribe if you would like to be notified when new video tutorials are posted
Intro to resting state functional connectivity (video 1)
Creating a project, importing functional&structural data, preprocessing
Intro to resting state functional connectivity (video 2)
Exploring preprocessing output files, Setup & Denoising steps
Intro to resting state functional connectivity (video 3)
Computing Seed-based Correlations, and displaying second-level results
Default Mode Network connectivity
Brief display of functional connectivity patterns between Default Mode Network areas and the rest of the brain
Salience Network connectivity
Brief display of functional connectivity patterns between Salience Network areas and the rest of the brain
FrontoParietal Network connectivity
Brief display of functional connectivity patterns between lateral Frontoparietal Network areas and the rest of the brain
CONN reference slides
Externally-organized tutorials
The following materials are part of Andrew Jahn youtube channel, a popular and very useful resource for learning about processing and statistical analysis steps using any of the major neuroimaging software packages. We also highly recommend Andy's Brain book for a very extensive and educational walk through different neuroimaging topics and software packages (including SPM, FSL, AFNI, FreeSurfer, and CONN). Andrew has been kind enough to organize and share several CONN tutorials, which can be accessed from the links below (for more information about Andy's tutorials and workshops see this link)
If you host or organize CONN tutorials or would like to share other CONN learning materials please let us know to have those added to this list
See also:
Support: ask questions about CONN, report bugs or request features
Documentation: read CONN's manual and find installation and configuration instructions
Training: enroll in the online or in-person CONN fcMRI workshop to help you master CONN