Source code

note: this contains the development version of CONN, including changes that have not been yet fully tested nor incorporated to the main release. If you want instead to download the latest main release of the CONN toolbox please follow this link

CONN source-code development version

CONN @ GitHub

To manually download and install the latest development version of CONN:

To manually uninstall the development version of CONN:

If you have GIT installed on your machine you may also:

Download the latest development version of CONN using the following syntax:  (change the software reference below to the desired installation folder in your local computer)

  git clone /software/conn

Update an existing CONN installation to the latest development version using the following syntax:  

  cd /software/conn

  git pull

See also:

Support: ask any question about CONN, report bugs or request features

Tutorials: find self-guided tutorials to learn about CONN and start using it right away

Training: enroll in the online or in-person CONN fcMRI workshop to help you master CONN