
Installing CONN (pre-compiled standalone release, Mac)

Step 1. Download the file from and unzip this file 

note: to keep things organized on your machine, you may want to download and unzip this file into a new folder within the Applications folder, for example in /Applications/conn_standalone/

Step 2. Download the MCR installer file MATLAB_Runtime_R2024a_Update_4_maca64.dmg  (Matlab Compiler Runtime R2024a (24.1) Mac release) from (also available from Unzip this file and run the resulting dmg installer file

note: step 2 may be simply skipped if the appropriate version of MCR (24.1 in this case) is already installed on your target machine. If installing different versions of CONN, please match the MCR version downloaded to the CONN version (e.g. CONN18b is associated with MCR_R2018b)

Step 3. After these steps, to start CONN simply double-click on the icon 

note: standalone conn may take a notoriously long time to get started -around 10 seconds- after double-clicking on the icon before displaying the initialization screen; please be patient. In recent macOS versions, the first time that is launched you will receive a warning regarding unidentified developers, select 'Open anyway' to proceed (if that option does not appear, control-click the icon from a Finder window and select 'Open' from the shortcut menu)

Configuration of parallelization options on a Mac using a pre-compiled standalone release

If you wish to configure your multi-core Mac to use CONN's parallelization options, go to the Tools .HPC options .Configuration menu in CONN. You will see something like the image displayed below (left image). First check the 'nodes use pre-compiled CONN only' checkbox. Then add at the beginning of the line below it the path to your file. For example if you downloaded/installed your file in the folder /Aplications/conn_standalone, then change your settings in the way displayed below (right image). After doing this, click on 'Test profile' to check if the parallelization options are working correctly. If so, click on 'Save' and select 'Current' in order to save these configuration options (this procedure only needs to be performed once, right after installation)