[.cfg] file format

[.cfg] files are human-readable text files containing fieldname/fieldvalue pairs using the syntax:





Field names are entered following the character #

They can only include letters/numbers and cannot start with a number (e.g. #variable01)

Field names can also contain multiple levels separated by the dot character (e.g. #denoising.filter). Multiple levels will be interpreted as structure fields/subfields

Field values can be numeric (entered as arrays or two-dimensional matrices) or alphanumeric (interpreted as lists / cell-arrays separated by newline characters)

Comments can be included following the character %

Example .cfg file contents:

% a single value

#pi 3.14159265

% a 2D matrix


 1     1     1     1

 1    -1     1    -1

 1     1    -1    -1

 1    -1    -1     1

% a single string


hello world

% two strings




% a structure

#disk.name large

#disk.number 3

#disk.avail 1/2

[.cfg] files can be read in Matlab using the function conn_loadcfgfile. For example:

  >> data = conn_loadcfgfile('example.cfg')

data = 

   struct with fields:

     pi: 3.1416

     hadamard: [4×4 double]

     phrase: {'hello world'}

     files: {2×1 cell}

     disk: [1×1 struct]

They can also be created from a Matlab structure using the function conn_savecfgfile. For example:

  >> conn_savecfgfile('example2.cfg', data); 




1  1  1  1

1 -1  1 -1

1  1 -1 -1

1 -1 -1  1


hello world










Last, they can also be exported to [.json] file format using the syntax:

  >> spm_jsonwrite('example2.json', data); 


 "pi": 3.14159265,

 "hadamard": [[1,1,1,1],[1,-1,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1,1]],

 "phrase": ["hello world"],

 "files": [




 "disk": {

  "name": ["large"],

  "number": 3,

  "avail": 0.5

