functional connectivity toolbox
# academic publications to date using CONN for functional connectivity analyses
@ google scholar
CONN is an open-source, SPM-based, cross-platform software for the computation, display and analysis of functional connectivity from brain fMRI sequences (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging). It supports analyses of both resting state (rsfMRI) as well as task designs.
CONN's methods and workflows are designed to enhance ease of use, transparency and reproducibility in functional connectivity research. Key features include:
Data Import: Automatically integration of datasets in standardized formats (e.g. BIDS) and direct download of publicly available datasets (e.g. FCP/INDI). Flexible options to import raw data (e.g. DICOM, ANALYZE, NIfTI) or data partially or fully preprocessed with other tools (e.g. SPM, FSL, AFNI, fMRIPrep).
Preprocessing Pipelines: Reproducible pipelines for preprocessing functional and anatomical images, including susceptibility distortion correction, motion correction/realignment, slice-timing correction, outlier identification, coregistration, tissue-class segmentation, MNI-normalization, and smoothing.
Denoising: Strict control of residual physiological and subject motion artifacts using a combination of scrubbing, motion regression, anatomical CompCor, and band-pass filtering.
Quality Control: Integrated quality control procedures and measures, including functional connectivity histogram plots, automatic outlier identification, and functional connectivity - quality control correlation analyses, designed to easily identify problems in the data and enhance replicability of functional connectivity research.
Connectivity Analyses: A wide array of functional connectivity measures, including Seed-Based Correlations (SBC), ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrices (RRC), graph theoretical analyses, generalized Psycho-Physiological Interaction models (gPPI), Independent Component Analyses (group-ICA), masked ICA, Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations (ALFF), Intrinsic and Global Connectivity (ICC & GCOR), Local Correlations (LCOR), Inter-Hemispheric Correlations (IHC), functional connectivity Multivariate Pattern Analyses (fc-MVPA), and dynamic connectivity analyses (dyn-ICA, and sliding-window analyses).
Group-Level Analyses: Support for group- and population-level inferences and models, including ANOVA, multiple regression, repeated measures and mixed within- and between-subject designs. Family-wise false positive control using a variety of state-of-the-art parametric (e.g. Random Field Theory, Functional Network Connectivity) and non-parametric techniques (e.g. permutation/randomization analyses, Threshold Free Cluster Enhancement).
CONN can be operated through a user-friendly GUI or via batch scripts/commands. In high-performance computing (HPC) environments, it interacts automatically with most workload manager protocols (e.g. Slurm, Grid Engine, PBS/Torque, LSF), enabling the processing of large datasets in parallel with minimal user intervention.
Developed in Matlab, CONN is distributed both as Matlab source code and as a pre-compiled executable (standalone release), requiring no Matlab installations or licenses.
For a detailed description of all processing and analysis methods available in CONN, please refer to the fMRI methods section.
CONN software is distributed free of charge under the MIT license, allowing unrestricted use, modification, and distribution.
If you find CONN beneficial to your research, please consider supporting its development through the following avenues:
Training: Enroll in our training courses to deepen your understanding of CONN's methods and workflows. Proceeds from these courses directly fund ongoing development.
Contribute: Visit CONN's GitHub repository to assist in development, testing, or documentation efforts.
Community engagement: Share your expertise by participating in CONN's NITRC forum, answering questions from other CONN users, or simply help us spread the word about CONN within your network!
2024-2025 workshop schedule. Announcing the next CONN workshops.
Sept 2024
CONN workshops offer 35 hours of intensive hands-on and highly interactive classes covering all aspects of functional connectivity analyses in CONN. The next workshop will take place in-person (in Boston) between Nov 11 and Nov 15 2024. After that, the 2025 CONN workshops will take place online (via ZOOM meetings) between Jan 17 and Feb 17 2025, and between Sept 12 and Oct 13 2025 (there will not be an in-person offering of the CONN workshop in 2025).
FCP/INDI public dataset. Check out the latest release of the CONN toolbox (v2407).
July 2024
This release includes all existing patch updates (enabling for example the use of CONN natively on newer "Apple-silicon" Mac computers) as well as many upgrades to CONN's analysis and plotting functions (see the change log for a full list of changes). For example, one new functionality that we are particularly excited about is the ability in CONN to create a new project and automatically populate it with data from FCP (1000 Functional Connectomes Project), including resting state scans from over 1,200 subjects. We are hoping to continue integrating other public datasets in the future if this feature is found to be useful by CONN users, so please give it a try and send us any feedback, comments, or suggestions.
Group InstaCorr. What is new in the latest release of the CONN toolbox (CONN 22a).
March 2023
This release brings many exciting updates, including new options for fc-MVPA analyses and an interactive GUI exploring the entire brain-wide functional connectome (similar to AFNI InstaCorr but combining all subjects in a study; see 2nd-level fc-MVPA summary tab), new automated "Methods" descriptions to help describe CONN's processing and analysis steps in your manuscripts, and several new displays options (e.g. 'connections display' and 'glass display' in ROI-to-ROI, or 'network display' in voxel-level results explorer windows), among many others. See the release changes log and the updated manual for details.
using the new fc-MVPA data visualization tool: can you spot some of the classical networks (e.g. DMN, salience / VAN, frontoparietal / CEN) in these voxel-to-voxel maps?
Reproducible science. CONN can now help you write the Methods section of your manuscript by creating automatically boilerplate text describing the specific procedures and methods used by CONN in your project.
February 2023
Many replicability efforts stumble at the initial steps by a lack of rigorous reporting of the specific choices used by a team when processing and analyzing their data. To help change this, CONN can now create boilerplate descriptions of the specific preprocessing, denoising, and analysis choices that were used in your CONN project. These automatic descriptions are distributed under a public domain license and can be used, copied, modified and redistributed freely as part of the Methods section of your manuscript, or anywhere else. See this section for additional details.
This is a work in progress and we welcome your feedback to help us make these descriptions as informative and useful as possible!

Brain-wide connectome inferences. Check out some of the latest functional connectivity analysis methods available in CONN : Nieto-Castanon, A. (2022). Brain-wide connectome inferences using functional connectivity MultiVariate Pattern Analyses (fc- MVPA). PLoS Comput Biol 18(11): e1010634.
November 2022
Fc-MVPA analyses allow researchers to test hypotheses about the entire functional connectome (all voxel-to-voxel functional connections across the entire brain), without having to limit the analyses to a single or a few seed areas (e.g. SBC analyses) or a specific parcellation of the brain into ROIs (e.g. RRC analyses). For example, questions like "is functional connectivity different between patients and control subjects?", "does functional connectivity change with an intervention?", or "what aspects of functional connectivity covary with symptom severity?" can be asked using fc-MVPA examining the entire set of (billions of) functional connections between all pairs of individual voxels in the fMRI images.